Dragon King Chinese Food Restaurant 905-836-5588
Prices subject to change. We apologize if prices online do not match that of the current take away menu. Last updated March 8 2019

Authentic Thai
Royal Thai Fried Rice (Shrimp, Chicken, Pork, Tofu topped w Pineapple).....................$13.95
Pad Thai Thick or FLAT Noodles
- House (Shrimp, Chicken, Pork,Tofu)$17.55
- Vegetable and Tofu.........................$13.55
- Chicken or Beef.............................$16.55
- Shrimp.........................................$17.55
Royal Thai Stir Fry
- House (Shrimp, Chicken, Pork,Tofu)$17.55
- Vegetable and Tofu...............,,,,.......$13.55
- Chicken or Beef.............................$15.55
- Shrimp..........................................$17.55
- Sweet Chilli Thai Chicken Wings....$16.95
Satay Chicken or beef with flat noodle(spicy)
Prices subject to change. We apologize if prices online do not match that of the current take away menu. Last updated Feb 2020