Dragon King Chinese Food Restaurant 905-836-5588
Prices subject to change. We apologize if prices online do not match that of the current take away menu. Last updated March 8 2019
Healthy and Diet ( Sauce on the side if requested)
H.1 Steamed Shrimp w. Mixed Vegetables.........$14.25
H.2 Steamed Chicken w Mixed Vegetables.......$14.25
H.3 Steamed Broccoli................................................$12.25
H.4 Steamed Mixed Vegetables..............................$12.25
H.5 Steamed Shrimp with Broccoli..........................$14.25
H.6 Steamed Chicken with Broccoli........................$14.25
H.7 Steamed Broccoli with Bean curd....................$12.25
H.8 Steamed Chinese Greens...................................$12.25